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Monday, 5 September 2016


Hypertension is an abnormal rise in blood pressure, it is caused by weak blood vessels which makes blood pumping a bit tough,that is the reason why it's most common with aged people. A congestive heart failure occurs when the heart becomes to weak to pump all the blood around and some of the fluid is backing up in the lungs and often into the abdomen and legs.
  However, blood pressure refers to the pressure of the blood within the arteries of the body, a very rapid, low or irregular hearts rates is always a serious sign in adults, aswell as clubbing the fingers with difficulty or rapid breath. This are signs that shows that the heart is not doing its job very well or easily. In the body when the left ventricle contracts, blood is forced out into the aorta and travels through the large arteries to the smaller vessels. The diastolic pressure is the pressure at the lowest level of pulsation, that is during the hearts resting phase and it's normal between 70-90mmHg.
   Women tend to have lower blood pressure than men of the same age whereas young adults have their normal systolic pressure at 100-120mmHg, while aged people have theirs at 120-140mmHg.As high blood pressure exist that is to say that low blood pressure also exists,this low blood pressure brings us to what is called HYPERTENSION, an abnormally fall in the human blood pressure..
  Treatment for Hypertension
Hbp over 140/90 or under 60/105=patients should reduce salt intake, weight, fatty foods, smoking and review twice weekly.
If no improvement after one month refer to a doctor..
Hbp from 160/105mmHg with symptom=if patients cannot get to see a doctor within a month give BENTROFLUAZIDE 2.5mg or 5 mg daily

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